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The aim of the Irish FA's Fitness for Football module is to provide grassroots coaches with a greater understanding of physical literacy & movement skills with an emphasis on children aged 5-12 years.

The course is 3 hours in duration, with both theoretical and practical content. Participants who complete the course will be presented with an Irish FA Fitness for Football Certificate.

Candidates should bring appropriate clothing and footwear for indoor lectures and indoor practical sessions. Candidates should also bring writing materials.

Workshop Aims:

• Understand the health benefits of playing football

• Highlight the effects of growth & maturation on player development

• Appreciate the importance of Physical Literacy, FMS & SSG to develop physical attributes for lifelong engagement in sport & physical activity

• Demonstrate practical examples of how to integrate fitness training into coaching sessions

On completion of this module, 5 CPD points will be awarded to Irish FA C / UEFA C Licenced coaches. (UEFA B, A and UEFA Pro is excluded).

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