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The Irish FA's Futsal National Coaching Certificate is a three-day course and an important step in progressing the game of Futsal in Northern Ireland.

The course aims to:

- Raise and develop candidates’ knowledge and awareness of the game

- Provide a greater understanding of their role as a Coach and how this can help in continuing to grow Futsal in Northern Ireland

- Enhance Coaches knowledge of Futsal specific techniques and how to coach them

- Develop Coaches ability to plan, organise, deliver & reflect upon appropriate Futsal sessions.

The curriculum covers both theoretical and practical content and includes Technical and Tactical Instruction, Set Pieces, Goalkeeping and Laws of the Game modules.

Candidates will be assessed on topics covered on the curriculum and will also be required to complete online modules as part of the Award. Candidates should bring appropriate clothing and footwear for indoor practical sessions as well as writing materials for the theoretical element.

Those completing the course will be presented with the Irish FA Futsal National Coaching Certificate and receive a Futsal Coaching Resource to aid them in continuing to provide Futsal opportunities to players.

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